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Site Preparation
Preparing your site correctly is very important, so below we have put together some useful information to follow in prep for your new lawn!
Then just click on the images underneath to reveal DIY care guides to get you started. These are also really good to look back on at any time.
Your Environment
There are many things to consider before getting your new turf.
We grow our turf in the best possible environment and give our turf the best possible maintenance to ensure a quality product.
Your environment can be completely different so please inspect your intended site for any issues that may arise. Please be aware of your surroundings and feel free to ask for advice on any factors before purchasing your lawn.
Areas that may not sustain lawn are:
Heavily shaded areas - Please consider other options if there is more than 70% shade.
Acidic soil - If there are trees dropping toxic leaves, pool chemicals or there could be other contributing factors. Acidic soil rejects the roots from penetrating your soil or even kill it outright.
Too damp - If there is inadequate drainage your lawn will drown.
Too steep - The rolls may be washed away or the soil may wash away from underneath. You may need to pin your turf down until it has taken root.
Roots - Your turf may be competing with roots from a neighbouring tree or plant, or even a prevously planted variety.
Preparation of site
Installation of turf requires a good quality top soil.
Make sure you remove all weeds, rocks etc and the area is level and well drained.
Depth dug out should be between 100mm - 140mm
(50 - 100mm top soil and approx. 20 - 40mm for turf, depending on which variety you are laying and weather conditions).
A good quality soil should be to a depth of 100mm (the more lovely top soil the better!)
Spray out existing grass and weeds with Glyphosate (Roundup or equivalent product) at label rates, for optimal results it is recommended to allow 7-10 days for this to take effect as indicated by the grasses starting to yellow and lose colour.
Always dampen soil and let it settle anywhere between 4- 12 hours before laying turf.
Do not make the area muddy before laying turf as this will cause an uneven surface and your job harder.
Lay the turf within a couple of hours of delivery, turf will not survive if you lay it a couple of days after delivery.
Maintaining good soil moisture is crucial until a new root system is well-anchored through the soil below the newly laid turf.
Lawns come in all different shapes and sizes, some easier to measure up than others. Follow the link below for an easy guide to calculating your lawn to get it right first time.
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